Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mini Band

So I was introduced to these mini-bands a few years ago and finally used/saw them in action with the high school team I now work with. These cheap and easy to use bands help build strength and prevent injuries. 

I found a very helpful website that I wanted to share with everyone. It has a list of muscles and shows how to do exercises targeting those specific areas using mini-bands. Check it out:

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Single Leg Deadlift

The exercise of the week is a single leg deadlift. This is an essential injury prevention exercise for runners because it strengthens the hips and activates the glutes and hamstrings. It can be done either with a dumbbell or kettle bell. Since you are isolating the legs, you are also challenging your core and balance, which will improve running form.

1) Begin by holding a weight in each hand and standing on one leg.

2) Keeping the knee slightly bent, bend at the hip and extend your free leg behind you for balance.

3) Continue lowering the weights until you're parallel to the ground and then return to upright position. Perform 10-12 reps and switch legs. Repeat for a total of 3 sets.